Traffic Volume Data
Traffic volume data for various segments of the provincial highway network (King’s, Secondary, Tertiary Roads, and 7000 Series Highways) are provided below.
On highways that overlap one another (e.g. Highways 35 and 115) the volume information is referenced to the lower number highway. When an overlap occurs between a freeway and non freeway, reference is made to the freeway route number. The freeways are Highway 400 to Highway 427 and the QEW (Queen Elizabeth Way). Some highway routes which have not yet been assigned an official highway number, are included under the title Selected 7000 Series Highways.
Select a link below to download traffic volume (AADT, SADT, SAWDT, WADT) and accident rate (AR) data for 2021, 2019 to 1988, in PDF or CSV format.
Select a link below to download traffic volume (AADT) data for 2021, in PDF format.
Select a link below to access further information about traffic volume metadata.